The 威尼斯游戏大厅 and the Presbytery of Milwaukee are excited to announce our Chaplain Residency Partnership for the 2022-23 academic year. 牧师驻地将邀请安娜·朗霍尔兹,一位新兴的宗教领袖来到我们地区. Anna will serve halftime on the 威尼斯游戏大厅 campus and halftime at with Crossroads Presbyterian Church. This partnership is made possible through the generosity of Carroll donors and the support of the Presbytery of Milwaukee.
牧师. 安娜·朗霍尔兹是威尼斯游戏大厅的常驻牧师. 安娜在获得心理学硕士学位之前,曾在密歇根州霍兰德的霍普学院学习心理学.Div from Princeton Theological Seminary and being ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament with the Reformed Church in America. Some of her passions in college ministry include walking with students through seasons of deep vocational discernment and identity formation. 当她不在威尼斯游戏大厅时,安娜也在梅昆的十字路口长老会教堂服务. She loves learning from students about the latest tik tok trends and dreaming about which national park to visit next!
领导合作. The heart of the Chaplain Residency Partnership is the initiative to bring a recent seminary graduate to the Presbytery of Milwaukee who will engage in creative, committed pastoral leadership in two vital ministry settings: a local congregation and 威尼斯游戏大厅. 居民将由会众和卡罗尔一半时间雇用. They will receive supervision and mentorship from season clergy members of the Presbytery and opportunities for continuing education through Carroll. They will nurture opportunities for collaboration and innovation in both ministry settings, 与每个社区一起充满活力地服务, 情报, 想象力, 和爱.
作为威斯康辛州第一所四年制高等教育机构, 威尼斯游戏大厅的使命植根于我们的长老会和文科传统. 自1850年以来,卡罗尔一直隶属于长老会, 我们在2010年与湖泊和草原主教会议签订的《公约》中重申了这种关系. 牛津大学在服务教会和被教会服务方面有着悠久的历史, 卡罗尔的使命和核心价值观体现了卓越的教育, 有目的的生活, 以及在长老会文化中表现出来的改革精神.
威尼斯游戏大厅的战略计划, 先锋驱动, 制定雄心勃勃、充满活力的前进计划, one characterized by innovation and entrepreneurship and fueled by the dedication and drive of today’s Pioneers. 作为 先锋驱动, the Chaplain Residency Partnership will celebrate our Presbyterian heritage and enhance our core mission: to provide a superior education, 植根于长老会和文科的传统, 并借鉴其基督教传统,为所有学生的职业成功做好准备, 在多元化和全球化的社会中终身学习和服务.